Part I: Setting the Foundation. Every long journey begins with a first step. Part 1 will take you through the territory we will explore, the tools we will use, and the barriers we will overcome.
You will discover aspects of your mind that were perhaps unknown to you. You will experiment with mindfulness in your everyday life. You will learn what it is, what its benefits are, and how it relates to responsible leadership. Also, I will describe the attitudes or qualities you should consider when practicing mindfulness.
Part II: Self-Knowledge and Self-Leadership. There is a great treasure inside you that you have yet to discover. You will begin the process towards self-knowledge by training your attention.
You will awaken your inner observer and cultivate your mind’s ability to remain calm and be able to see more clearly.
Part III: Developing Your Responsible Leadership Skills. Often, we wish our circumstances were different. It is the same with people. Often, when we interact with someone, our first wish is to try to change them: “I wish this person were more/less …” Imagine if every time you interacted with someone, your first thought was, “I hope you are well and happy.” We will train habits that will develop and practice your responsible leadership skills. This is just one of the impacts of responsible leadership. Relationships with others and communication are also key skills we will touch on in this part; they do not require trying to change anyone. We are a social species and our leadership is link to our ability to connect with others, this can also be learned and
mindfulness can help with that.
Part IV: Now What? The Path to Responsible Leadership. Now is the time to fully assume your
responsible leadership, to profoundly integrate what you have learned. By changing yourself
first, you will be able to change the world.
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