The Mindful Response
Unlock your responsible leadership potential with the 7-week mindfulness methodology.

If you're here, it's because you want to find your mindful response.
Most of us wish for a better world. We see the problems around us, in our society and in the world at large. We would like to change things, but it seems such a daunting task that we just don’t know how to go about it. We believe we are not powerful or capable enough to change anything. But this attitude is wrong. The only thing it does is stop you from taking the steps that are in front of you at every moment.
The Mindful Response will teach you how to create what you want to see in the world through the purposeful practice of mindfulness and reflective writing, so you can exercise the responsible leadership this world needs, wherever you are.
This is a revealing journey that will help you realize that you have the capacity to create and transform. This is a necessary book for courageous leaders who wish to act responsibly to address current challenges.

The author
Estela Quesada Zuheros is an expert in mindfulness and leadership development, dedicated to helping individuals and organizations become more mindful and responsible leaders. Founder of The Mindful Response, she has developed the Mindfulness-Based Responsible Leadership (MBRL) program, a 7-week program designed to activate responsible leadership potential through mindfulness practices and reflective exercises. With her expertise and guidance, you too can become a more mindful and responsible leader in just 7 weeks.
Benefits of mindfulness for responsible leadership
- Focuses and enhances attention.
- Allows for better stress management and greater well-being.
- Increases optimism.
- Helps develop self-confidence.
- Fosters ethical behavior.
- Stimulates creativity and innovation.
- Supports responsible behavior.

This insightful, science-based read can help you become the mindful leader you’ve always wanted to be! Includes exercises, stories and more that will help you hone your vision, improve your compassion, and unlock your courage.
What will you find in The Mindful Response?
- Part I: Setting the Foundation. Every long journey begins with a first step. Part I will take you through the territory we will explore, the tools we will use, and the barriers we will overcome. You will discover aspects of your mind that were perhaps unknown to you. You will experiment with mindfulness in your everyday life. You will learn what it is, what its benefits are, and how it relates to responsible leadership. Also, I will describe the attitudes or qualities you should consider when practicing mindfulness.
- Part II: Self-Knowledge and Self-Leadership. There is a great treasure inside you that you have yet to discover. You will begin the process toward self-knowledge by training your attention. You will awaken your inner observer and cultivate your mind’s ability to remain calm and to see more clearly.
- Part III: Developing Your Responsible Leadership Skills. Often, we wish our circumstances were different. We might feel the same way about people. Sometimes, when we interact with someone, our first wish is to try to change them: “I wish this person were more/less …” Imagine if every time you interacted with someone, your first thought was, “I hope you are well and happy.” We will train habits that will develop and practice your responsible leadership skills. Compassion is just one of the impacts of responsible leadership. Relationships and communication with others are also key skills we will touch on in this part; they do not require trying to change anyone. We are a social species, so our leadership is linked to our ability to connect with others. You will learn how mindfulness can help with responsible leadership.
- Part IV: Now What? The Path to Responsible Leadership. Now is the time to fully assume your responsible leadership, to profoundly integrate what you have learned. By changing yourself first, you will be able to change the world.
Book dedicated and signed of The Mindful Response
I am very excited to be connected with my readers. If you would like, I can write a special dedication and sign a book for you.

Do you know the Workbook of The Mindful Response?
The Workbook complements the book ‘The Mindful Response’ perfectly so that you can put into practice and take with you anywhere the mindfulness and reflective writing practices of the Mindfulness-Based Responsible Leadership Program.
You will gain greater moment-to-moment awareness to learn how to manage circumstances while exercising responsibility inwardly for your self-care and self-knowledge, and outwardly for society and the planet at large by aligning your decisions with your purpose and values.
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